lunes, 20 de febrero de 2023


Cleopatra: Was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Ancient Egypt, although nominally his son Caesarion succeeded him as pharaoh. He was also a diplomat, naval commander, linguist6 and writer of medical treatises.
Ramsés: He was the third pharaoh of the Dynasty, he is remembered as the greatest, most celebrated and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom. Ramesses defeated the Sea Peoples off the Nile coast.
Narme: Narmer also known as Menes was the first pharaoh of Ancient Egypt and founder of the First Dynasty in 3050 BC. c. Menes reigned Egypt 62 years
Tutankamón King Tut was more relevant in that he contributed, after his death, to the knowledge of ancient Egypt than for his achievements in life. When he ascended the throne at the age of nine, the country was still mired in chaos sparked by his late father, Akhenaten's decision to replace Egypt's polytheistic religion with a monotheistic one.

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